Friday 28 February 2014

Foodie Friday: The Soup House

Happy Friday loves & welcome back to another series of Foodie Friday! Today we are checking out a restaurant called, The Soup House.

Inside The Soup House, there is really no decor or ambiance BUT there is a huge TV with Chinese dramas playing- pretty awesome if your into it! 

Take out option is available here & they serve different types of appetizers, soups, topped steam rice, soup noodles & of course what I usually order from here- their clay pot rice.

As soon as you take a seat, the waitress serves you with tea & on the table you have toothpicks, salt shaker & the oh so yummy sweet soy sauce (you pour this all over the clay pot rice, yum!).

To start the meal, you get a hot bowl of house soup & a side of pickled veg. (compliments the clay pot rice very nicely because of it's sour flavour & that crunch!).

I almost always order the chicken, Chinese sausage & mushroom clay pot rice. The clay pot is super hot to the touch so it comes in a basket. I love how the food stays hot throughout the whole meal! Right when I get the rice, this is when I pour some of that sweet soy sauce all over it. The rice & the meats soak up that sauce & it's so delicious!! Let me tell you guys a secret. At the bottom of the clay pot there is this layer of "burnt" crispy rice that is filled with flavour. You can either dig it up first and mix it with the non crispy rice or what I like to do is save it until the end of the meal & pretty much save the best for last... mmm mmm!

Allan, my hubby loves ordering the shrimp paste pork jowl clay pot rice. This flavour is one where you either love it or hate it & he LOVES IT. Oooh and I forgot to mention that every clay pot comes with leafy green veg. as well, goes perfectly with the entire meal.

I have tried a few places for clay pot rice & The Soup House is by far the best one because it is so tasty, flavourful & just perfect. Even though it's not anything fancy, the food is worth giving this place a visit.

Hope you enjoyed this Foodie Friday post. Thank you so much for reading my loves. Have a wonderful weekend! TGIF, whoo!!

Love, Linda

The Soup House
5857 Victoria Drive, Vancouver BC, Canada
V5P 3W5

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