Saturday 11 July 2020

Pocky Limited Edition Flavours: Raspberry Pistachio, Lemon Peach & Salty Sakura

I found these limited edition Pocky (Raspberry Pistachio, Lemon Peach & Salty Sakura) from Price Smart Foods in Richmond, BC. They were on sale for $3.99 each! How eye catching & cute is the packaging?! 

There are 4 packs in a box and each pack has 6 pocky sticks in it. The Raspberry Pistachio and Lemon Peach are from Pocky’s “Couple de Fruits” collection. The Salty Sakura is from their “Chocolate from JAPAN” line. 

Raspberry Pistachio had a nice strong raspberry flavour to it. The coating had tiny bits of raspberry in it which gave it a slight crunch. I didn't taste much pistachio flavour in the biscuit because it was over powered by the delicious raspberry coating. If you are a fan of raspberry definitely pick this up!

Next up, Lemon Peach! This was my favourite out of the three. Anything lemon in dessert form, I am all over it! If you look closely there are bits of "lemon zest" in the coating. This had so much lemon flavour & I could taste the slight peach flavour of the biscuit. So yummy!

Salty Sakura/Cherry Blossom. This was such a unique flavour. Think sweet and salty. The sakura chocolate had a nice sakura taste to it with a hint of coconut. When you bite into it the salt crystals give it a nice crunch in your mouth. The biscuit tastes like the original pocky one.

I really enjoyed all 3 limited edition Pocky. I love how they are a lot chunkier than the original Pocky so you get more flavour in your mouth with every bite!


Have you tried any of these? What are your thoughts?

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