Tuesday 14 January 2014

Linda N. Young - Dafyne Me Bella

Hi Darlings! I still cannot believe that 2014 is here, 2013 really flew by. What can I say.. 2013 was truly a year full of life lessons & also one of the best year of my life (I married the love of my life-my hubby Allan)! 

Lessons in 2013 regarding friends, family, relationships, business & life in general. It was one crazy, whirlwind year BUT with the bad comes the good & negatives can turn into positives- if you can look at it in a positive light. Personally, I learned A LOT in 2013 and of course not all of my situations were positive but I learned to look towards the positive side of everything & chose to switch gears and just be happy- after all happiness is your choice! ^__^

Last year I went through some cray roller coasters & I just needed to find something or somewhere I could go to so that I can "escape" for a little while. To be in a whole new environment where I could find meaning and challenge myself. Before we get into that, during that time I noticed I was always browsing through the beauty sections at drugstores and browsing at Sephora & quite often finding myself purchasing make up & beauty products. It was slowly becoming something I grew a lot of interest in and it made me excited and happy. Now, back to the story.. suddenly something in my head went AHA! Why didn't I share my findings & my experiences with these products with other people?- An outlet that I needed. From there on, I started my very own YouTube beauty channel & later on a second channel for weekly vlogs. When I first started I was scared as heck! But as time went on, I started to feel less scared- more challenged and happy. 

This new experience has definitely made me grown into a different person and made me realize that what I was dealing with in life was going to be okay. I am glad I made that choice of challenging myself in order to escape for a bit. That feeling of being scared to do something gave it that much more reward for me. Becoming a youtuber definitely gave me an outlet to "vent" what was really happening in my life. It was like therapy for me. I don't know about you guys but when I get into a tough situation it actually motivates me to do or try something different. I am so glad I did because I love what I do and the people friends I get to make & connect with online. 

With all that being said.. 2014, will definitely be better because without those lessons & challenges in 2013- I wouldn't have been able to write this blog post & share my experience with you. Just wanted to let you guys know that I am back (with just a few more sections to add to my creation, Dafyne Me Bella) and I can't wait for what 2014 has in store! I am Linda N. Young, creator of Dafyne Me Bella. I feel friggin fantastic & life is awesome when you look at it positively!! Now lets make 2014 SUPER AMAZINGLY WONDERFULLY AWESOME!!

Thank you so much for letting me share my thoughts & feelings with you. As always, thank you so much for reading. See you all very soon. Have a wonderful day! Mmmuah. 

Love, Linda
(Blogger, Tweeter, Facebooker, Instagramer, You Tuber, Vlogger, Jewelry Designer)

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